Wednesday 14 March 2012

Return to Durban

On our way to Tanzania, we decided it would be cool if we "popped" back to Durban for a quick visit to see Alex and the Jabulani Project again.  Alex had some ex-pupils from JGH (James Gillespies High School, Edinburgh) over and we were keen so see what they were upto and how they were enjoying African life !!  We also managed to visit a few attractions that we missed the first time around.

 Back to the nice warm beaches of Duban. 

 Sculpture in the Botanic Gardens. 

 The Living Beehive. 

 Buying some spice in the spice market. 

The Ladies from the Spice shop. 

We had a good night out with the JGH guys and our friends Emmanuel and Siza came along also.  It was a quiz night and the quiz master was from Lanark but that didn't help our chances of winning much !!!!

Having a few drinks with Seza. 

Alex's team discuss the answers. 

 Dean, Alex and Emmanuel. 

 Gillian and Mandy (Emmanuels Girlfriend). 

Scotland V South Africa Pool comp !!!

Dean, Siza and Gillian. 
It was great catching up with the guys in Durban again and we hope to keep in touch with our new South African friends in the Future.

That was to be our last harrah in South Africa as we were flying off to our last country in our tour Tanzania.
In total we spent 2 months in South Africa and came to really love it.  It is a country full of contrasts, a place where you need to come with with an open mind, putting aside many of the preconcieved ideas other have of the country.  The people here are some of the friendliest and kindest people you will ever meet.  The countryside has some of the most unspoilt beaches, dramatic mountains, lush forests and endless velds we have ever seen.  I'm sure we will return again some day.

Nelson comes to say goodbye !!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I’m impressed!! Really informative blog post here my friend. I just wanted to comment & say keep up the quality work.

    In running
