Thursday 29 March 2012

Climbing Mount Meru.............

Two years ago Gillian and I with our friends Jane and Jim (from Edinburgh) visited Tanzania and successfully climbed the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro (5896M).  Whilst we where there we came to learn of another mountain nearby called Mount Meru.  It's the 2nd highest in Tanzania (10th in Africa) but it is said to be as difficult as Kili and a very interesting climb.  One of the unique features is that it sits right in the middle of the Arusha National Park game reserve, so it's a mountain climb and safari rolled into one!  Meru sits towering above the town of Arusha and as we looked up at it every day on our way to work,  felt we just had to climb it!

The climb itself is 4 days in total, 2 days up and 2 days back down.  This means a much quicker ascent than that of Kilimanjaro and not as much time to acclimatise, which could lead to problems with altitude sickness.  The only real way to combat this is just to take the whole thing very, very slowly (pole pole), drink lots of water and try to acclimatise as best you can.
On the first day we met up with our climbing companion Shelley from Australia and our guide Frank and headed into the park.  On the way to the start point we saw lots of wildlife - heards of grazing giraffes, Zebra, Warthogs and also baboons.


 Giraffes grazing.


Warthog or Pumba.

 Baboons on the run !!
We arrived at the Momella gate which was to be our starting point.  Momella gate is at 1500M and it was a 10K, 1000M climb to the Miriakamba hut which was our stopping point for the night.  We were joined by our armed Park Ranger Gideon who would be escorting us through the park incase we encountered some "nasties" such as a hungry Leopard, Hyena or the greatest danger in the park - an African Buffalo which can be very aggressive.
A model of our ascent to the summit of Mount Meru.  It's a much steeper and sharper climb than Kilimanjaro.  We would also be climbing Little Meru (3820 M on the right for acclimatisation).  You can see the days target Miriakamba hut bottom right.

With Shelley at the start of the climb.
Our ranger Gideon was an expert on the Flora and Fauna of the park and he told us lots of interesting things on our hike.

Gillian at Fig Tree arch.  The arch was originally formed by elephants passing through the tree. 

 Dean at Fig Tree.

Our first hazard a large Python crossing the trail !!!!
Second hazard, fresh Leopard tracks !!!

 Heading up toward Little Meru.

Lovely Butterfly.

 Colobus monkey watching us from above.

 Heading through the forest.

Approaching Miriakamba.

 Made it to Miriakamba huts !!!

Dinner time !!

Miriakamba hut looking toward Rhino point.
Day 2 we would be climbing from Miriakamba up through more forest to the Saddle Huts at 3500M.  We would then have a rest, lunch and go an acclimbatisation walk to the summit of Little Meru at 3820M.

Locked and loaded with Gideon !!!

Climbing, climbing !!

Gillian finds a chameleon !!

 Close up.

More Climbing !!!

Made it to Suddle huts just as the rain starts !

 Climbing up Little Meru.  Saddle huts below, Rhino point and Mount Meru Summit behind. 

 Little Meru Summit.
After climbing Little Meru, we had supper and it was straight to bet.  We had an early start the next day for the summit, 1:30 am.  We planned to be there for sunrise around 6:30.

Up bright and early !!

 First target of the day achieved Rhino Point.

 Sunrise over Kilimanjaro.

After a long night finally the sun !!!

Mount Kilimanjaro.

 Looking into the Ash Cone.

The final push to the summit.

Looking into the Ash Cone.

Made it to the summit !!!
Flying the flag.

With our guides.

A very relieved Shelley !!!!!

Mount Kilimanjaro (again) !!

Heading back down.

 Back down the crater rim.

A bizarre landscape.

 Starting to feel it !!

Back at Rhino Point 7 hours later - shattered.

Enjoying a well deserved lunch !!!!

 Caught in the rain on the way back down.

 Gillian and Shelley enjoying the weather !!!

Back at Miriakamba Camp looking back up to Meru and the ridge we walked along. 

 Chilling out on the sun deck at Miriakamba.

 A Green Mambo - Africa's 3rd deadliest snake !!!
 Gideon ensures me he's a good shot !!!

A herd of the Notorious Buffalo on the way back.
They didn't seem to aggresive

A blue monkey.

With our certificates back where it all began.

 Hooray! with guide Frank !!!
Mount Meru is certainly a tough but very enjoyable climb.  The extra bonus is the wildlife we saw both on the ascent and descent.  We enjoyed it every bit as much as Kilimanjaro and would urge others visiting Tanzania not to miss this spectacular mountain.

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