Wednesday 28 December 2011

An Aussie Christmas.........

It was a glorious hot day when we arrived in Sydney Airport.  After we got our hiking boots and tent checked, we were picked up by Gillian's relatives (including Mum Kathleen from Edinburgh) and whisked away to the City of Wollongong about an hour and a half drive south from Sydney.

The first activity an our busy Australia Calendar, was the Bellambi Bowling club Christmas Eve Sausage sizzle !!!!!!.  It was a hot day and we played for about 3 hours in the sun.  Respect to Bowlers !!!!

Fantastic Technique !!!!

Gillian lines one up.

Maybe not the most extreme of sports, but it certainly requires skill! A great welcome and good tips from the guys at the club.

Next day was Christmas Day - our first hot Christmas!!!!.  Started off by taking our hosts' (Gillian's cousin Angela and husband Steve) wee dog Sophie out for a Christmas walk.

Gillian and Sophie.

We were heading to Gillian's Auntie Anne for christmas dinner, so we rode there via a stop at Wollongong North beach for a dip.

Heading to the Beach.

Christmas day on Wollongong beach.
Christmas Dinner.
On Boxing day we met Gillian's other cousin Neil and their family for a Barbie and a day by the Pool.

Steve and Ange doing an Aussie Barbie.
Gillian's mum Kath tucks into her grub.
Fun in the Pool to end the day !!

Later in the week we took a trip into Sydney to see the sights.

Gillian, Kath and a Didgeridoo player !!
Dean down the Rocks.
We went to the Harbour Bridge to climb one of the pillars for some fantastic views of the city.....

Sydney Opera House.

Darling Harbour.

Sydney Harbour Bridge and climbers !!!!
Opera House close up.

Darling Harbour close up

Sydney Tower.

Harry's Cafe De Wheels, Home of the pie floater !!!
We caught up with fellow "CAACer" (member of Corstorphine Athletics club) Alex Cummings for a beer (or 10) and I snuck off for a boys night to watch the Sydney FC V Melbourne Heart football match at the Sydney Soccer stadium.  I was tempted to support the "Hearts" for obvious reasons, but I decided to go with the home team.  The Sydney Soccer Stadium is a crackin' wee stadium, 20,000 seater and the Sydney fans were in good form and had plenty of good songs.  However, the team did not live up to the fans expectations and were well and truly trounced by Melbourne 0 - 4.  As Alan Hansen would say "The Defending was shockin' ".  We did have a great stop behind the the goals and it was close to the bar !!!!

Corstorphine AAC reunion.

We are Sydney, We are Sydney !!!!!!

We also visited Cousin Neil and his wife Penny's house to see their wonderful garden where they grow much of their own fruit & veg and get eggs form their chickens and ducks.  We spent a lovely day with them,  with a tour of  their garden, and lots of lovely food!

Penny in the Garden.

Home grown Bananas.

Chooks !!!!

A Lovely Lunch.

Walk down by Lake Illawara.

Stormy Wollongong Harbour.

We had a fantastic Christmas visiting Gillian's Australian relatives.  The fun wasn't over yet as we still had New Year to come !!!!


  1. Great blog and pics Dean & Gillian, you're obviously having a super time. As Dean didn't report on who won at the bowls, and as Gillian looked to be taking it seriously as usual, I can guess who came out on top!

    Best wishes from Colin & Beth,see you both sometime in 2012 xx.

  2. Yep Gillian won. She's a natural !!!!
