Friday 14 October 2011

Colca Canyon.

We took a 3 day trek in the world's deepest canyon - Colca Canyon which is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon.  The Canyon descends from 3500M absl from the town of Chivay.  It's about a 3 hour drive from Arequipa over the Pata Pampa (High Andes at 4825m) and I can tell you it was bloody cold driving over there at 5 in the morning !!!!

We hired a local guide called Carlitos (search for Carlitos Tours).  He was a real character and really made the trip.  He is an independent guide, not tied to any of the big trekking companies, and really cares about the local communities. He took us off the tourist trail, hiking to some remote villages and staying with some local families.  It was a fantastic experience.  We went fruit picking with a local farmer, Gillian dressed up as a local, and I spent an evening watching Peru V Paraguay on an old TV in a farm shed (inc animals) with the locals drinking beer.  None of them spoke English but the universal language of football and beer was enough to keep the conversation going !!!!!

We were joined on the trek by a girl from the US called Kristen and a chap from Canada called Oliver.  Both were fantastic trekking mates and together with Carlitos we had a great time.

Ready for the descent into the Canyon.

Colca Canyon Condors.  There birds have a 3 meter wingspan.  Whilst trekking down a few soared over our heads, and it was like a plane flying over you.

Inside the Canyon.

Crossing the Rio Colca at the bottom of the canyon.

Pancakes for breakfast.

Kristin, Gillian and Raphina the lovely lady who we stayed with.  (They are holding Avacados by the way !)

Don't look down !

Ascending out of the Canyon.

We all made it out (thanks to Carlitos) !!

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