Friday 14 October 2011

Arequipa, the White City

After Nazca we got the overnight bus upto Arequipa, Peru's second largest city.  Arequipa is a beautiful city which sits in the shadow of snowcapped mountains (El Misti and Pichu Pichu) and rests at around 2000M above sea level.  There is a lovely town square - Plaza de Armas, where you can sit and enjoy a Pisco Sour in the evening and watch the hustle and bustle of the city, with it's hundreds of taxis zipping around!

Plaza De Armas.

Lots of interesting things to see and do here.  There is a fantastic market which sells a myriad of different exotic fruits and some very interesting local products.  There is also a very interesting museum  (Museo Santuaros Andios) which houses Juanita - The Ice Princess -a frozen Inca mummy of a young girl found on Mount Ampato.  She was incedibly well preserved with all her clothes and sacrificial artifacts.  We also visited the Santa Catalina Convent which was only opened to the public in the 1970's and has housed Nuns in the city for hundreds of years.
The restaurants are fantastic. Here we tried lots of local cuisine : Queso Helados (Cheese Ice Cream), Cerviche (Pickled marinated fish), Frog Shakes (yep), Exotic fruits and lots of cakes and coffee.

Gillian and El Misti.

Playa de Armas (and Misti) at night.

Alpaca encounter whilst out running.

Our hostel, can you translate the name ?


  1. La Casa de los Pingunos - let me see, cases of penguin shakes sold here?
