Monday 6 February 2012

Bulungula Village

The small village of Bulungula, is located on a very remote part of the Wild Coast and can only be reached by walking along the coast from Coffee Bay, or along a very bumpy single track dirt road.  The local Xhosa community run a small lodge and a number of interesting activitiesfor travellers who survive the adventure to make it there.  It was such a nice place and the locals so friendly we ended up staying for 4 days.  The beach was beautiful and the stars at night were amazing as there is no light pollution whatsoever. We spent time getting to know some of the locals. They certainly lead a tough life out there!  None of their homes have electricity or running water, they have no beds, instead sleep on mats on the floor.  Really makes you  think how easy life is for us  westerners!

Bulungula beach.

 Chicken that lives in the toilet !!!!.

 The local mules !!!!

 Lastest technology in Bulungula, The rocket shower runs on parrafin - light it and off it goes !!!!
Gillian spent a very interesting day with the women of the village, I won't go into the details here but you can read all about it on Gillian's food blog.
I spent the day hanging out with the guys and was soon allowed to join their drumming band !!!

 Getting the beat !!!

 Sore hands !!!

The beer was flowing and the drums got louder !!!
One of the local lads took us on a canoeing trip the next day.  Great fun,  however the equipment was a bit rustic!
 Ready to cast-off.

Our trusty canoes.
It was a fantastic place and in many ways reminded me of the coast, crofts and houses on the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.  I think this is how people would have lived out there a couple of hundred years ago.

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