Tuesday 8 November 2011

Volcanoes, Lagoons, Flamingos and Salt......

From Tupiza we were recommended by a number of travellers to take a 4WD trip to the SW corner of Bolivia.  Our hostel provided such a tour for 4 days, so we signed up and were good to go.  We were accompanied on the trip with 2 new friends Fredericka from Germany and Emily from Australia.  Our guide was a friendly Bolivian fellow called Segondino (or Second Deano as we liked to call him) and his wife Porfidia who did the cooking and it was fab.

On the first day we headed out into the mountains and canyons.  It was a long drive but we were rewarded with some magnificent scenery.

Canyon lands.

Us overlooking the Canyons.

Llamas on the Pampas.

Portfidia makes lunch ...

... and it tastes good.

Queuing up for sweets at the school tuck shop.

Big skies over the Pampas.

On the dusty road again !!

Viscatcha (or Chinchilla).

High pass with Salt Lake (laguna Blanca) in the background.

Laguna Blanca

Trying to blend in !!!

At the Salt lake.

Flamingos Feeding.

The most scenic hot tub in the world (no not the people !!)

Laguna Blanco, on the frontier with Chile (mountains behind are in Chile).

Anyone for a mud bath ?

At Laguna Colorado.

Amazing reflections in the lake.

Stone Tree.

Scenery like something from Star Wars.

More amazing colours.

Flamingos feeding.

The gang (hoping the volcano behind doesn't erupt !!).

The hotel where everything is made from salt !!

Dawn on the Salar de Uyuni (Uyuni Salt lake).

Salt, Salt everywhere !!!!!!

Island in the centre of the salt lake.

Porfidia bakes me a lovely cake !!!

Loco Photos !!!!!!

Loco Photos !!!!

Jump !!!!

The biggest Chocolate bar in the world !!!!

Flying the Flag.

The Gang.

What a fantastic trip it was a real highlight so far.  Bolivia turned out to be a real surprise, some of the most amazing scenery I have ever seem and the Bolivians were so welcoming and friendly, we would have loved to stay and explore this amazing country some more.  However we had to move onto out next country - Argentina .......................................

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